Join The Chlorine Institute
The Chlorine Institute (CI) founded in 1924, is a not-for-profit trade association of companies that are involved in the safe production, distribution and use of chlorine, sodium and potassium hydroxides and sodium hypochlorite, and the distribution and use of hydrogen chloride. Because of chlorine's nature and its widespread and varied use, the promotion of its safe handling has long been an accepted responsibility of its producers, packagers, distributors and users. The Institute is the focal point for their combined efforts.
The Institute has approximately 200 member companies located in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Central and South America, Japan, and other overseas countries. Download this slideshow to gain more knowledge on what CI does, CI's focus and strategic plan, member involvement, and more.
If you are interested in membership and would like to obtain an application and other pertinent membership materials please contact 703-894-4124 or complete the online application HERE. A printer friendly version is also available for download HERE.
Learn more about Chlorine Institute membership by watching the video below.
Why Join CI?
Companies who join the Institute benefit from:
- Technical expertise, programs and guidance on procedures, practices, materials, equipment, training and emergency response for the Institute's mission chemicals
- Leadership development opportunities for employees serving on CI Issue Teams and Board of Directors
- The Institute's liaison work with government agencies / departments to provide technical information and emphasize the need for sound science and credible technology in the development of federal regulations on safety, health, environmental protection, and security
- Monthly technical newsletters detailing developments relevant to your operations and highlighting compliance assistance resources for federal regulations
- Involvement in developing and advancing chlorine emergency response planning, training programs and field equipment kits
- Annual Safety and Environmental Awards Recognition Program
- Industry statistics on chlorine/caustic production and shipment
- Safety and environmental data and best practices
- Networking opportunities at CI meeting events
- Member discounts on the Institute's publications and training programs
- Alerts on when CI publications have been updated and a new version has been released
- Online company listing and access to searchable directory of CI member companies
- Media relations assistance and communication resources on key industry issues, such as defending the safe and secure transportation of chlorine
- Assistance developing plant security vulnerability assessment tools and security plans
- Sponsorship opportunities at all CI meeting events
- If interested in Annual and Fall meeting event sponsorships, please contact us at
Membership Criteria
Any company engaged in the production, packaging, distribution or use of chlorine, sodium hydroxide, potassium hydroxide, sodium hypochlorite; the distribution and use of hydrogen chloride; or any company interested in the development and improvement of the chlor-alkali industry is eligible for membership. The four categories of membership are:
- North American Producer Membership is open to companies that produce chlorine, caustic soda or caustic potash in the United States, Canada and Mexico. Institute members account for majority of U. S. production of chlorine and related alkali chemicals. The North American Producer members support the Institute with annual dues and assessments based on annual production.
- Packager/Bleach Producer Membership is open to companies located in North America and engaged in the packaging of chlorine and/or the production of sodium hypochlorite. In addition, Packager and Bleach Producer members support the Institute with annual dues and assessments.
- Overseas Producer Membership is open to companies located outside the United States, Canada, and Mexico that produce chlorine, caustic soda or caustic potash.
- Associate Membership is open to all other companies with an interest in the chlor-alkali industry, including makers of equipment for producing, handling, shipping, and dispensing chlorine; salt suppliers; chlorine consumers; water and wastewater treatment facilities; pool chlorinators; and designers and builders of chlorine plants.
To download and view the membership brochure, please click HERE. For more information on membership, please contact us at