
Over 200 years ago, a young Swedish researcher, Carl Wilhelm Scheele, discovered chlorine. Today, chlorine is a critical substance manufactured using electrolytic process from a sodium chloride salt and water mixture (brine). Chlorine exists as a greenish-yellow vapor at atmospheric conditions and is a toxic inhalant. For transport, it is compressed (liquified) and shipped in a variety of modes including rail tank car, cargo tank (truck), IBCs, one ton containers, and cylinders.

Because of its reactivity and bonding characteristics, chlorine is an essential chemical building block, leading to a myriad of materials that are used to make the products we use every day for public health, safety, nutrition, security, transportation, lifestyle and high-tech innovation. Drinking water and wastewater treatment, agricultural products, essential industrial chemicals, bleaches and fuels, all depend on chlorine. Pharmaceuticals, plastics, dyes, cosmetics, coatings, electronics, adhesives, clothing and automobile parts are examples of product groups that depend on chlorine chemistry. Further information related to benefits and applications are linked herein.

Important: Though many common uses exist, elemental chlorine must not be confused with "bleach" (sodium hypochlorite). Refer to chemical supplier Safety Data Sheet for detailed product information.

CI Resources

The Institute has produced numerous materials detailing safe manufacturing, storage, shipping, handling, and use practices. The below listing is not all inclusive, but seeks to highlight some of our most popular titles. Refer to CI's Resource Catalog for fuller details and visit the CI Bookstore.

  • Pamphlet 1) Chlorine Basics
  • Pamphlet 5) Bulk Storage of Chlorine
  • Pamphlet 6) Piping Systems for Dry Chlorine
  • Pamphlet 17) Packaging Plant Safety and Operational Guidelines
  • Pamphlet 66) Recommended Practices for Handling Chlorine Tank Cars
  • Pamphlet 76) Guidelines for the Safe Motor Vehicular Transportation of Chlorine Cylinders and Ton Containers
  • Pamphlet 89) Chlorine Scrubbing Systems
  • Pamphlet 95) Gaskets for Chlorine Service
  • Pamphlet 155) Water and Wastewater Operators Chlorine Handbook
  • Pamphlet 164) Reactivity and Compatibility of Chlorine, Sodium Hydroxide, and Potassium Hydroxide with Various Materials
  • Wall Chart 1) Handling Chlorine Cylinders & Ton Containers
  • FACT-1) Chlorine Release Fact Sheet

Educational Videos

The Institute maintains several educational videos to cover topic such as chlorine release dispersion, exposure symptoms and treatment, chlorine emergencies, water treatment safe use practices and more. Please visit the CI Bookstore for further information.