Transport Canada
Transport Canada is responsible for transportation policies and programs in Canada. It promotes safe, secure, efficient and environmentally-responsible transportation. Transport Canada reports to Parliament and Canadians through the minister of Transport. It works with its portfolio partners, other government departments and jurisdictions, and industry to ensure that all parts of Canada's transportation system work well. Transport Canada and the U.S. Department of Transportation work closely together to ensure that transportation policies and practices are consistent, to the extent possible, for cross-border traffic. Details on the transportation of dangerous goods can be found on Transport Canada’s website.
Activities Related to CI Issues
- Dangerous Good Rail Standard Standard (TP14877)
- Rail Security Regulations
- Emergency Response Assistance Plans (ERAPs)
Canadian General Standards Board
The Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) supplements Transport Canada’s regulations, in part, through the development of certain transportation package standards. In particular, the CGSB recently initiated two standards committees to update standards that were last established in the TP 14877 rail standard, which will continue as the following new CGSB standards:
- CAN/CGSB 043-147) Containers for Transport of Dangerous Goods by Rail
- CAN/CGSB 043-149) Ton Containers for Transport of Dangerous Goods
CI staff and other CI members serve on these two committees to advocate reasonable requirements that are in the best interest of CI members. More details can be found on CGSB’s website.