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Pamphlet 171) Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) Tank Car and Cargo Tank Handling Manual

Pamphlet 171) Vinyl Chloride Monomer (VCM) Tank Car & Cargo Tank Handling Manual.

Edition 1 - July 2018

Provides guidelines, recommended practices and other useful information for the safe shipping, receiving, loading, unloading, maintenance, and emergency response relevant to vinyl chloride monomer (VCM) transported in rail tank cars and highway cargo tanks.  This pamphlet also refers to the applicable regulatory requirements and industry standards.  While this pamphlet is focused on the transport of VCM (a compressed liquefied flammable gas), it also considers guidance for vinyl chloride (the gaseous state of VCM), also known as chloroethylene or chloroethane.  This pamphlet was developed in coordination with the Vinyl Institute.

Non-Member Price: $140
Member Price: $26