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Pamphlet 165) Instrumentation for Chlorine Service - DL

Pamphlet 165) Instrumentation for Chlorine Service DOWNLOAD

Edition 4 - January 2023

This pamphlet is intended to assist the chlor-alkali industry in management of instrumentation systems.  It includes information on the design as well as the maintenance of the instrumentation systems. It provides guidance on the selection of materials, the selection of primary elements and control devices, and the design and installation of instrumentation, including the sensing lines for wet and dry chlorine gas and dry liquid chlorine service. Only critical instrumentation issues related to chlorine applications are addressed.  The recommendations of this pamphlet are based on the experience of chlorine producers and consumers and represent current industry practices.  It is not the intent of this pamphlet to limit the use of specific materials or instruments, provided they have been engineered for the specific design conditions and the particular requirements of chlorine service.  This pamphlet does not address sample collection equipment, chlorine analysis equipment, or general instrumentation practices. However, operators of chlorine systems should consider the need for on-line (continuous) analysis of the chlorine for impurities such as nitrogen trichloride, water, or hydrogen, and follow up with research of the various analyzer manufacturers available.  It also includes information on the elements of an effective maintenance program. 

Non-Member Price: $130
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