Olin Joins The Chlorine Institute!

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The Chlorine Institute (“CI”) is pleased to announce that Olin is joining CI, of which it was a charter member in 1924. With this addition CI now represents companies that produce approximately 90 percent of North America’s chlorine. CI’s members also account for all North American companies that ship chlorine in bulk. The Institute exists to facilitate safe production, distribution, and use of chlorine and related chemicals. Learn more about CI's mission here: https://www.chlorineinstitute.org/mission/  

Chlorine is a chemical essential to our modern way of life, which includes a wide variety of uses such as water treatment, and approximately 90% of all pharmaceuticals and building materials. A more complete listing of the many essential uses is shown on the American Chemistry Council’s chlorine tree (https://www.chlorine.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/chlorine-tree.pdf). In 1997, LIFE Magazine listed chlorine disinfection of drinking water as one of the top public health advancements of the millennium. 

The members of CI welcome Olin and look forward to future collaboration.