Ed Kazimir - De Nora Tech LLC

Member Spotlight,

July Member Spotlight - Ed Kazimir (De Nora Tech LLC)

CI: Tell us a little about yourself, and what you do?

I graduated from the University of Akron in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemical Engineering.  Since then, I have worked exclusively, now for over 30 years, in the chlor-alkali industry.  My career began with OxyTech/ELTECH Systems where I started as a Project Engineer having responsibilities that included plant design/start-up, cell development, and membrane technology marketing.  My production experience was obtained as I moved onto Vulcan Chemicals, where I had corporate responsibilities for manufacturing and best practice implementation for each of their mercury, two membrane, and three diaphragm cell rooms. I then joined De Nora who soon after acquired ELTECH Systems which brought me literally back home and again into a technology supplier’s role where I am currently their chlor-alkali technical service/support manager.


CI: When did you first become involved at CI? What activities have you been involved in at CI?

I have been active with the Chlorine Institute since the early 2000s, assisting colleagues on both the Environment and Health Committee and the Sustainable Technology Issue Team.  Became a member of the HESS Issues Team in 2010 and remain active through today.  During this time, I have served on various task groups, made presentations, and hosted producer member exchanges. 


CI: What is something interesting about you that few would know or guess?

I now find that I really do enjoy teaching.  Someday when I retire from the chlor-alkali industry, I think that I would like to pursue teaching a beginning level chemical engineering course, such as Material and Energy Balances, possibly at my alma matter. 


CI: Tell us about your favorite CI memory or success story.

Participating with Chlorine Institute staff at the 2010 CloroSur/World Chemistry Council Safety Workshop in Sao Paulo Brazil.


CI: What do you value most from your CI membership?

The ability to work with peers and assist member companies with process related safety issues and their prevention.


CI: What advice do you have for early career professionals in the chlor-alkali industry?

Work hard, ask questions, participate, be passionate, network, learn the pamphlets, take full advantage of the unique opportunity that the Chlorine Institute offers to our industry.



"Ed has a unique perspective. He has worked for multiple member companies and now at De Nora, may hold the record for the number of chlor-alkali facilities supported! Ed’s deep and wide experience is crucial to achieving CI’s safety mission and he offers his time generously. Thank you, Ed for making the chlor-alkali industry safer, one presentation and task group call at a time."

– Robyn Brooks


Do you know an actively engaged CI member who would make a great Member Spotlight? Send their name and company to Harper Alerion at harper.alerion@CL2.com.