Chris Gibson - Hawkins, Inc.
2021 February Member Spotlight – Chris Gibson, Hawkins, Inc
CI: Tell us a little about yourself, and what you do?
My name is C. W. “Hoot” Gibson and I am a Senior Security/Compliance Analyst for Hawkins, Inc., a regional chemical distributor headquartered in Roseville, MN. I have over 35 years in the chemical distribution industry, and have served in regulatory, technical support and plant operations. I have been active in safety and security issues with the Chlorine Institute and the National Association of Chemical Distributors. I graduated from the University of Missouri – Rolla, with a degree in Chemical Engineering.
CI: When did you first become involved at CI?
I attended my first CI Meeting in Colonial Williamsburg in the early 1990’s.
CI: What activities have you been involved in at CI?
I served as:
- Regulatory Subcommittee Chair of the Packaging Group
- Vice-Chair, Sodium Hypochlorite Committee
- Vice-Chair, Transportation Issue Team
- Vice-Chair, Environmental & Security Issue Team,
- Past Member of PSIT, Current member of HESS.
I also chaired the RMP Pamphlet 162 task group and have been involved with multiple other CI pamphlets related to Packaging and Sodium Hypochlorite.
CI: What is something interesting about you that few would know or guess?
I still read comic books (DC & Marvel).
CI: Tell us about your favorite CI memory.
My favorite memory is when Paul Donavan (former CI Counsel) told a group of members assembled for a Packaging Meeting that what I was reporting on was excellent advice!
CI: What advice do you have for early career professionals in the chlor-alkali industry?
My advice would be to attend CI meetings, work on task groups, and develop good resources at other companies. Compliance benefits everyone, so make sure you are participating in the future of the industry.
“While I am uncertain on why Chris’s nickname is Hoot, I know this for sure: Hoot is dedicated to the safety and security of our mission chemicals. It is evident through his involvement with CI; he shows up prepared to the many task groups he participates in and leads and always has a…shall we say… “unique” way of getting his point across. Even when he has a strong opinion, he is still able to lend a listening ear and move toward a consensus that does not compromise safety nor security. Hoot’s institutional knowledge is invaluable.”
- Robyn Brooks, VP HESS (CI)