FR-Video) Chlorine Emergencies: An Overview for First Responders

This program was developed to help first responders prepare to act in those critical first 15 minutes of a chlorine emergency – what to do when the call comes in, what to expect on-scene, and where to find the resources needed to contain a release. This video provides a general overview of chlorine and covers specific topics such as:  uses, chemical and physical properties, site safety plans, community awareness and public protective actions, personal protective equipment, response to exposures, transport, disposal options, leak mitigation, dispersion and ecological effects, and shelter-in-place considerations.

Click here to download: FR-Video) Chlorine Emergencies: An Overview for First Responders

Download Links:

Tab - 1: Chlorine Overview and Uses

Tab - 2: Chemical and Physical Properties of Chlorine

Tab - 3: Site Safety Plan, Chlorine Emergency

Tab - 4: Community Awareness, Public Actions

Tab - 5: Personal Protective Equipment

Tab - 6: First Response to Chlorine Exposures

Tab - 7: Chlorine Transport

Tab - 8: Disposal Options for Chlorine

Tab - 9: Mitigation

Tab - 10: Chlorine Dispersion & Ecological Effects
