2024 Annual Meeting Speakers

Opening Session with Dr. Jake Sotiriadis

TUESDAY, APRIL 9, 2024, 8:00AM - 9:00AM 

Dr. Jake Sotiriadis is a trailblazing global strategist, geopolitical and technological futures expert, and trusted advisor to heads of state, military leaders, and Fortune 500 CEOs.

With over two decades driving transformation initiatives across the Intelligence Community and the Defense Department, Dr. Sotiriadis is an internationally sought-after speaker on global risk anticipation and opportunity capitalization.

As Founding Director of the pioneering Center for Futures Intelligence, Dr. Sotiriadis not only helped shape the future of an entire profession but continues empowering new generations of leaders with cutting-edge courses on geopolitical analysis, intelligence tradecraft, and strategic foresight taught to thousands of analysts across the U.S. Intelligence Community. 

He has captivated audiences at the world’s most prestigious think tanks and forums, upending conventional thinking with groundbreaking assessments that have proven remarkably prescient on epochal events. Dr. Sotiriadis also founded the US Air Force's Strategic Foresight team and serves as an advisor to the State Department, teaching diplomats to navigate complex geopolitics.

Dr. Sotiriadis’ extensive media commentary has been published globally in the Harvard Business Review, Defense News, the Diplomat, the National Interest, and many international media outlets.

Look for his upcoming book, “The Revenge of Ideology: How Ideas Become Material in the Struggle for Global Order,” in Spring 2024 and see why so many describe Jake as "the advisor CEOs and government officials trust when they want to thrive amidst turbulence.”

Technology Symposium Speakers

APRIL 9-10, 2024

Technology Symposium Speakers List... Coming Soon!